Assignment 3: Project Proposal

Assignment description

In this assignment, you will produce a written document that will serve as your proposal for your final project. You will follow the format of the document proposal.tex in the starter repository, which asks you to answer a series of questions about your final project.

At this step of the project, you are producing a proposal document. I reserve the right to tell you the propose a different project if I do not believe your project has adequate scope for the class. Specifically, my feedback to you will include explicit verbiage on whether you are allowed to go ahead and proceed with your plans as described in the document, or whether you should make changes and resubmit the proposal.

Possible final projects

Your final project is intended to be the open-ended part of the course, where you will have the opportunity (and expectation) to engage more deeply with some aspect of the machine learning field.

Complete a self-contained, research-oriented subproject of your choosing

This is an attractive option if you are already engaged in research in your own field of study. Here, you will propose to deliver a project that will help you move your own work forward, and this project will involve machine learning in some sense.

Implement a paper from the literature

Alternatively, you can find a recent paper from the machine learning literature (ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, KDD, FAT*, etc) and implement it yourself. Note that I will not allow you to choose a paper that has an existing, popular implementation (if the research project that led to the publication includes an implementation, then it’s unlikely that I will allow your project)

Other projects I am personally interested in

Anything you can convince me is interesting enough

Your proposal should be substantive and on-topic for a final project in this class (remember that I reserve the right to have you repropose). Nevertheless, this is the category for those of you with a burning idea in your head, on which you’d like to work on for a continued period of time.

Starter repo

The starter repository in this case includes a LaTeX file (proposal.tex) with a skeleton of the document you will use to propose your project. You will submit a file proposal.pdf compiled from that document.

LaTeX help

If you need help with LaTeX, please contact me sooner rather than later.