Anscombe’s quartet

We’re going to start with a hands-on exercise on why data visualization can be powerful (and what its limits might be).


Further reading

Questions to ponder

The basics of the web stack

Today, we go over the very basics of how the content of a web page is represented in HTML. We will learn some simple CSS, which lets us separate the content of the web page with how we want it to look; this separation will let us change both things independently of one another, which will help a lot when we’re quickly iterating over designs. For visual elements such as lines, circles and polygons, we will learn SVG.

Reading material

Scott Murray’s “Interactive Data Visualization for the Web” has an entire chapter devoted to this. Scott has graciously managed to convince his publisher to put the entire book online. Still, you should totally buy it. It’s short, sweet, and only 25 bucks on Amazon.


In this course we will mostly use HTML to create our data visualizations. HTML stands for “HyperText Markup Language”. 25 years ago, that used to be a meaningful description of what HTML actually did: it has links (hypertext), and it is a markup language. But we will be using many things from the HTML5 standard, which does much, much more: graphics, audio, video, full-duplex communication between web browser and web server, etc. So I find it easier to think of HTML as “whatever it is that web browsers know how to interpret”, and just not think about the actual term, like cutting open a book or dialing a phone.

This means we will be running all of our visualizations inside a web browser. If you do not have extensive experience in developing for the web, I strongly advise you to use Google Chrome, because it has, in my opinion, the best tools for development (including very nice visual debuggers).


The important thing about HTML is that the markup is represented by elements. An HTML element is a portion of the content that is surrounded by a pair of tags of the same name. Like this:

<strong>This is an HTML element.</strong>

In this element, strong is the name of the tag; the open tag is <strong>, and the matching closing tag is </strong>. The way you should interpret this is that the text “This is an HTML element” should be “strong”, for some definition of strong (typically this will be bold text). HTML elements can nest:

<strong>This is strong, and <u>this is underlined and

(Line breaks in HTML do not translate to line breaks in the rendered result.) In addition to the names, opening tags can contain extra information about the element. These are called attributes:

<a href="">A link to Google's main page</a>

In this case, we’re using the a element (which stood for “anchor”, but now is almost universally used as a “link” — go figure). href means “HTML reference”, which actually makes sense for a change. The meaning given to each attribute changes from element to element. In this case, the above element would be rendered as below:

A link to Google’s main page

We will use element attributes in pretty much very example from now on. The most important ones are id, class, and style. The id attribute gives the attribute a name, which can then be used to access the element via Javascript (we’ll see how next week). Think of it as making the element accessible via a global variable. This is as convenient as a global variable, and potentially just as confusing: needing lots of different element ids might be a sign that you could organize your code better (in the next weeks we’ll learn about good practices like this). (The class and style attributes will be explained soon, in the CSS section below.)

Necessary boilerplate

An HTML5 document has a little bit of necessary boilerplate that you should just copy and paste every time you need to get started (and no, you won’t get charged with plagiarism for this one bit.). Every HTML5 document you create in class should have this skeleton:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>Ceci n'est pas un document HTML</title>

(The perceptive reader will note that the first line is not an element. It’s actually a document type declaration, which betrays the origin of HTML as a simplified version of SGML. You really don’t need to know about SGML.)

HTML5 documents need a header, and this header should in most cases include a charset declaration. We’ll always use UTF-8, so that when I write about the Blue Öyster Cult, you’ll be able to read it. (Actually, it’s because Mike Bostock used to love Unicode identifiers ಠ_ಠ. Ensuring we use the same character set as d3 will save ourselves some potential debugging trouble.)

Self-closing elements

Some elements rarely have internal content, and it becomes a bit of a pain to type the closing tags every time. In that case, you can use the following shorthand notation: <foo/> is equivalent to <foo></foo> (you might have noticed that in the charset declaration above).


As we have seen above, a markup document looks a lot like a tree: it has a root, the HTML element, and elements can have children that are containing elements themselves.

While HTML is a textual representation of a markup document, the DOM is a programming interface for it. DOM stands for “Document Object Model”, and in this class we will use “DOM” to both mean the tree created by the web browsers to represent the document, and the API that they provide in order to access it. Today, we will not use the API part of it, but the examples we’ll go over in class will highlight the tree structure of the DOM.

Inspecting the DOM in a live browser

Perhaps the most important habit you will learn in these first web lessons is the following: when in doubt, go to the Developer Tools. In this case, we’ll look at the Element tree, by clicking on the menu bar: View → Developer → Developer Tools. (Alternatively, you can right click on any part of the webpage, and choose “Inspect Element”)

Here’s a very simple separate web page, embedded inside this document:

Go ahead, play around with the element tree in there. If you want to see that page in a new tab, click here. Compare what you see with the source code, by clicking View → Developer → View Source, or right-click on the webpage, and View Page Source.


HTML specifies the content of a web page, but plain HTML says relatively little about how the content looks. This is where CSS comes in. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheeets: they are external declarations that control the way your elements will get rendered by a web browser. A full discussion of CSS syntax is, as usual, given at the MDN CSS website; we show the very basics here.

A stylesheet will usually consist of a list of CSS rules that are inserted in <style> elements on the HTML header, <head>. A single CSS rule associates a CSS selector with a set of CSS declarations. These are easier to see through examples.

CSS element selectors

Let’s look at a very simple CSS rule:

strong {
    background-color: red;
    font-size: 300%;

In this rule, strong is the selector, and each line inside the curly brackets is a declaration. Roughly, the way this goes is: for every DOM element with tag name strong, make its background color red, and its font size 300% of the base size. CSS rules are applied in order that they appear in the document, and if more than one rule matches the element, then they both apply. For instance, the example below is entirely equivalent to the above:

strong {
    background-color: red;

strong {
    font-size: 300%;

CSS class selectors

CSS selectors can be much more powerful than selecting on element names. For example, we can create user-defined “classes” of style. Imagine I had HTML that looked like this:

<div class="important">Some text</div>
<div class="footnote">Some other text</div>

I might choose to do something like this after deciding that no HTML element serves my needs sufficiently well. But now how do I give them different styles? CSS selectors can act on the class of an element:

.important {
    font-weight: bold;

.footnote {
    font-size: 75%;

This way, every element with the matching class will be affected by the CSS rules that match that class. This is a very convenient way of controlling the style not only of text but of graphical elements; we will use this idea extensively in class.

Another important observation is that an element can have more than one class:

<div class="important footnote">Small but bold!</div>

This element will get both the important and the footnote style.

CSS id selectors

There are many different ways to specify CSS selectors. We’ve seen selectors by element name and class; you can also create a selector that is specific to an element id. If I have an HTML snippet like this:

<div>Search returned <span id="counter">10</span> results</div>

Then I can control the appearance of the number with a CSS declaration like this:

#counter {
    color: green;

CSS relationship selectors

CSS selectors let you match elements based on their relationship with other elements. While I will simply refer you to the MDN Selectors webpage for the full reference, I want to highlight two particularly important ones, the child selector, and the descendant selector.

The child selector matches every time an element is directly enclosed by a different element. For example, consider the following rule involving the child selector:

em > u { color: red; } /* the child selector is denoted by > */

and the following self-explaining HTML snippet:

<em><u>this will be red</u> <strong><u>but this will not</u></em>

The descendant selector, on the other hand, matches every time an element is contained by another element, even if indirectly. In that case, the CSS selector is simply the juxtaposition of both simpler selectors:

em u { color: red; } /* the descendant selector is denoted by juxtaposition */

where the self-explaining HTML snippet would be:

<em><u>this will be red</u> <strong><u>and this will also be red</u></em>

Multiple rules

When more than one CSS rule matches, then different CSS declarations migh conflict with one another. In that case, then, “the most specific declaration wins”. The rules for what counts as more specific are really disgusting, so if you find yourself debugging CSS code because the styles “don’t take”, the first thing you should try is to set completely different classes for the element, add all the declarations to this class. Then, with help from the Developer Tools, you can add classes back to your element to see which declarations might be winning the specificity race. In order to avoid this kind of trouble, it’s better to stick to simple declarations as much as possible.

Other ways of declaring CSS

You can provide CSS stylesheets as an external file. This is very useful when you want to share CSS rules across many different documents. In that case, you include the following element in your <head>:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>

In this case, style.css should be an additional file that consists entirely of CSS rules.

Finally, you can place CSS declarations directly inside an element. You do this using the style attribute, which most HTML elements support. For example, if you have this CSS rule:

.aclass {
    color: red;

And this element, <div class="aclass">content</div>, then the same result can be achieved with <div style="color:red">content</div>. It’s a bad idea to do this in HTML that you write manually: you’re mixing content with presentation, and making it hard to reuse the declarations. But later on we will be writing code to generate elements in the DOM for us, and in that case, this will be a very common and good thing to do. In this latter situation it’s a good thing to do because the reusability will be represented in our Javascript source code.


So far we have only seen textual content in HTML, and this is a data visualization course. SVG (“Scalable Vector Graphics”) is a subset of the HTML5 standard that will provide us with essentially all of our graphical needs (some of your final projects will, perhaps, require an alternative graphics standard like Canvas or WebGL. I’ll help you individually should that be the case). SVG is extremely powerful, broadly supported, and very easy to program for. It’s also the preferred target for d3, the javascript library we’ll use for our visualization design.

Minimal Example

An SVG drawing starts with an svg element, which requires width and height attributes, specified in pixels:

<svg width="400" height="400">

By itself, that will be a blank canvas:

That’s kind of boring, but you should be able to verify, using the Developer Tools, that there is in fact an honest-to-goodness SVG element there. In the following, you’ll learn how to add basic graphical shapes to the SVG element.

SVG coordinate system

The first thing to know about SVG is that although it’s tempting to think of SVG as “graph paper”, its coordinate system has a flipped y coordinate: it points in the same direction as the HTML y-coordinate. This is necessarily confusing because although we tend to think of text as going from top to bottom, we tend to think of the y coordinate in graphical displays (like graph paper) as increasing from bottom to top.

Basic SVG elements


<svg width="400" height="200">
    <circle cx="200" cy="100" r="50"
             style="fill:yellow; stroke:brown; stroke-width:5px"/>


<svg width="400" height="200">
    <ellipse cx="200" cy="100" rx="100" ry="50"
             style="fill:blue; stroke:green; stroke-width:5px"/>

Rect (rectangle)

<svg width="400" height="200">
    <rect x="50" y="50" width="200" height="100" 
          style="fill:red; stroke:black; stroke-width:3px"/>


<svg width="400" height="200" style="stroke: red">
    <line x1="30" y1="30" x2="200" y2="80"/>
    <line x1="30" y1="50" x2="150" y2="120"/>


<svg width="400" height="100">
    <text x="30" y="30">Some text</text>
    <text x="30" y="50">Some more text</text>
Some text Some more text


The SVG path element is how you “escape” the basic SVG shapes. In case none of the predefined shapes are good enough for you, you can draw any arbitrary shape you want using the path element. We will not use it very often in class, but it’s important that you know it exists, because it helps you understand how much of d3 works under the hood.

<svg width="200" height="60" style="stroke:blue; fill:none">
    <path d="M 10 10 L 50 10 L 50 50 L 100 50 L 100 10 C 150 50
    150 50 150 10"/>

Instead of giving you just one simple example that wouldn’t do the path element justice, I will ask you to simply take a look at the MDN path tutorial.

IMPORTANT HINT: You will need to understand the “arc” command in order to draw the wedges of a pie chart in Assignment 2. The easiest way to understand how they work is to play around with the path description in the DevTools Element Inspector, changing the d attribute until you get a feel for what each part does.


The order in which elements are drawn is the order in which they appear in the element:

<svg width="400" height="200">
    <ellipse cx="200" cy="100" rx="100" ry="50"
             style="fill:blue; stroke:green; stroke-width:5px"/>
    <rect x="50" y="50" width="200" height="100" 
          style="fill:red; stroke:black; stroke-width:3px"/>


Grouping elements is a very powerful idea, and we will use it extensively when we get to use SVG for actual visualizations. It is powerful because it gives us abstraction, in the same way that a procedure groups a sequence of operations under a single name. In dynamic visualizations, it will make it possible for us to move a large number of elements by simply taking one branch of the DOM and placing it in a different subtree; without groups, we would have to remember over and over again which elements we cared about.

In addition, SVG groups give us geometric transformations. Geometric transformations are amazingly useful when we want to change the positions of a large number of elements in the same way, or when we want to express the positions of the elements in a more convenient manner. For example, recall that SVG’s basic coordinate system increases the y coordinate in the downward direction. If we were to simulate graph paper directly, then we’d have to remember every time to subtract the y coordinate we want from the height of the SVG element:

<svg width="200" height="200">
    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"/>
    <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="10"/>
    <circle cx="110" cy="50" r="10"/>
    <circle cx="140" cy="90" r="10"/>

This is annoying and error-prone. Instead, we can encode that transformation directly, using SVG’s grouping node g, and its transform attribute:

<svg width="200" height="200">
    <g transform="translate(0, 200) scale(1, -1)">
        <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10"/>
        <circle cx="80" cy="80" r="10"/>
        <circle cx="110" cy="50" r="10"/>
        <circle cx="140" cy="90" r="10"/>

The transform attribute is read right-to-left, and it’s saying: to get the outer y coordinate, multiply the inner y coordinate by -1, and then add 200. In other words, outer_y = 200 - inner_y, which is precisely the flipping we need. Now the y coordinates behave as those in graph paper: increasing y means going up.

The main problem with these transformations, as we saw in class, is that they apply to everything:

<svg width="200" height="200">
    <g transform="translate(0, 200) scale(1, -1)">
        <text x="10" y="50">Text</text>
        <text x="70" y="50">as they read</text>
        <text x="40" y="80">in</text>
        <text x="100" y="90">Australia</text>
Text as they read in Australia

Clearly, we don’t want that to happen in every situation. In practice, this will be the difference between geometric zooming and semantic zooming. We will learn how to use d3 appropriately so no strange issues like the above show up.

Presentation attributes

As you might have noticed by comparing the HTML examples with the SVG ones, some appearance aspects are controlled by HTML attributes; others are controlled by CSS properties. For example, consider the ellipse we saw before:

<ellipse cx="200" cy="100" rx="100" ry="50"
     style="fill:blue; stroke:green; stroke-width:5px"/>

It’s always annoying to remember that fill colors go in style, while positions go in the cx attribute. What goes where is a perennial source of confusion, and unfortunately there’s no good way around it. To add to the confusion, a subset of SVG attributes can also be specified via CSS: these are the “presentation attributes”.

I can promise you this: there will be no graded question in any assignment that you will get wrong for getting these attributes switched with style parameters, and forgetting which are presentation attributes. Still, it’s worth remembering that these differences exist (instead of just mindlessly trying an attribute and then a style) because CSS declarations for these attributes will override inline attribute definitions in the DOM. This is in turn inconsistent with the rule for the style attribute itself, which overrides CSS definitions (on behalf of whoever designed this standard: I am sorry).


We will spend a significant amount of time talking about color theory, color perception, and the computer science behind it. But, for now, what you need to know is that there are two main ways in which color is represented in a web browser. The first one is by a color name: red, green, orange, etc. (The previous text is written as follows in html:)

<span style="color: red">red</span>, <span style="color: green">green</span>,
<span style="color: orange">orange</span>

The other way is by a color code, a short string that describes a much larger variation of colors, and also has the advantage of being much easier to write code against: imagine the nightmare if you had to write software to decide between “dark blue”, “powder blue”, “navy”, “aquamarine”, etc. Color codes are represented as a string starting with # and followed by three 2-digit hexadecimal numbers representing the amount of red, green and blue in the color. #ff0000 is red, #000000 is black, #0000ff is blue, #008000 is green, etc. So you can write

<span style="color: red">red</span>

or you can write

<span style="color: #ff0000">red</span>

If you’re intrigued by color names and the discussion around it, you’ll enjoy the xkcd color survey.

Resources, hints, etc.

An overview of the Chrome DevTools. You should try to become intimately familiar with the developer tools in at least one browser. I know Chrome and that’s what I’m going to use in class (and what I can help you with), but you’re free to pick whatever you want.

During development, consider disabling the browser cache. In Chrome, you do this by opening the DevTools, clicking on the gear icon on the right of the DevTools menu bar, and then “Disable cache” under General. Caching issues have bit me repeatedly in the past (and in class, as it turned out), and disabling the cache during development saves a lot of potential hassle.

You should always go to for ideas and inspiration, but I told you about that one already.

The Mozilla Developer Network is the best source of high-quality documentation about web development out there. When I’m googling around for information on anything that involves the web, I usually add “mdn” to my search terms, to make sure I don’t accidentally click on anything from (they have some information, but it’s usually bad practices, it’s not up-to-date, and they got famous by essentially pretending to be associated with, the World Wide Web Consortium. That’s just awful.)

HTML5 validator: A syntax checker for HTML5. Why browsers don’t offer this by default is entirely bewildering, but there you have it. When something goes wrong on your webpage and you don’t quite know what it is, it’s a good idea to try validating your HTML. Syntax errors are not very loud in web browsers (because web browser GUIs are tuned for web page users, not developers); sometimes a simple syntax error can be the very reason your webpage is behaving strangely. In fact, I have a bookmarklet that runs the W3 validator against the current URL:


This means that on my browser, it only takes one click to validate the current page. (note that this bookmarklet requires the web page to be visible to the world)