Now let’s build some visualizations!

Now that we’ve seen how SVG works, how JavaScript works, and how web browsers provide a JavaScript API for manipulating the DOM, we will create a very basic library for visualizations in JavaScript. Although the library is very limited, its basic idea is similar in spirit to an important part of d3, and when you understand how our library works, you will better understand why d3 works the way it does.

We will start with a very straightforward program that draws a visualization in a very hard-coded way, and we’ll systematically make small changes to this program to make it more generic.

The data

We’ll be working with a small, but real-world dataset that records the number of road fatalities in the United Kingdom, from 1969 to 1984.

Since parsing the data from a typical format like CSV to something that JavaScript can easily process is a boring task, and since we haven’t yet learned how to actually load external data, we’ll simply include an additional JavaScript file called data.js that contains a variable storing this dataset. It is an array of objects, where every object has the fields month, year, and count:

var ukDriverFatalities = [
    { month: 0, year: 1969, count: 1687 },
    { month: 1, year: 1969, count: 1508 },
    { month: 2, year: 1969, count: 1507 },
    { month: 9, year: 1984, count: 1575 },
    { month: 10, year: 1984, count: 1737 },
    { month: 11, year: 1984, count: 1763 }

From zero to visualizations in eight steps

We will build a minimal, but reasonably powerful, SVG visualization library by repeatedly improving a piece of source code, little by little. This is a crucial part of the first part of the course. Make sure you can understand what we are doing by working through it on your own.

This is the list of programs we will go through:

  1. No reuse
  2. Generic element creator
  3. Loop over arbitrary data
  4. getter functions for specific attributes
  5. use getters of iteration 4 to adjust visualizations
  6. getter generators, higher-order functions
  7. generic plotAll for any SVG element, just like generic make in iteration 2
  8. Three different visualizations, each with 10 lines of code

As you can see, until iteration 7, all the visualizations look essentially the same. What we are doing is setting up our program so that it becomes easy to explore different visualizations and datasets.

Iteration 1: No reuse (source)

The first version of our program is completely hard-coded in terms of the dataset and the visual encoding. It is a simple bar-chart that encodes the number of fatalities as the height of the element, and the position along the x axis as a chronological axis.

Iteration 2: Generic element creator (source)

We’ll start improving the program by noticing that, in iteration 1, our functions make, makeSVG and makeRect all look very similar. Let’s replace them with a single function that creates any elements and sets whatever attributes we might want. We do this by passing an object whose keys and values are respectively the attribute keys and values to be set on the created element (we loop over the object keys using the for (x in obj) ... syntax.

As a result, our code now creates rect elements with the same call it uses to create svg elements. This paves the way to create, for example, circle elements without needing to write new makeCircle functions.

The next thing we do is we notice that we are looping over a global variable. That’s a bad idea.

Iteration 3: Loop over arbitrary data (source)

Instead, what we do now is simply pass an extra parameter to plotAll, so that it doesn’t need to know where the data is coming from (that’s the extra data parameter). Still, the body of plotAll remains dependent on the content of the dataset: if the elements of the data array are not objects with count field, plotAll will just not work.

The next change we need to do is to be able to change the values of width, height, x, and y from outside of plotAll.

Iteration 4: getter functions for specific attributes (source)

We do this by passing extra parameters to plotAll. These parameters will be functions that pluck the right things from each entry of the data array. Then, what plotAll does is iterate over data, and at each step, it calls widthGetter, heightGetter, and so on. This way, if the dataset changes, we can pass different getters into plotAll, so it will know how to interpret the dataset correctly.

plotAll is now starting to be generally useful, so we will spend the next iteration changing the calls to plotAll for charts 2 and 3.

Iteration 5: use getters of iteration 4 to adjust visualizations (source)

The only changes we will make here are that instead of calling a single function for all charts, we will call different functions for each chart. We do this because the charts have different dimensions, and so we need to set the x, y, width and height attributes differently for each.

The result is that now the charts “scale” correctly. Regardless of the size of the SVG element, all the bars for all the data points in the visualization fit the visualization. That’s nice.

At the same time, you can see how our source code is starting to get a bit cluttered. Lines 27–50 of iteration_5.js, specifically, are quite dense and similar to one another. It’s hard to tell the difference between them. So let’s fix that.

Iteration 6: getter generators, higher-order functions (source)

In the previous iteration we created getters “directly”, and their only difference was how they used the dimensions of the different SVG elements (300 vs. 400 vs. 500 for the height, and similarly for the other elements). What we do in iteration_6.js is that we will create a higher-order function for each of these getters, whose only job is to return a getter specifically configured for the correct width, height, and so on. These are called rectWidth, rectHeight, rectX, rectY as before, but now, notice that these functions, instead of being getters, they return getters. This way, when you write rectWidth(800), the result you get is a getter that is exactly configured to return the correct rectangle width for an SVG element of width 800. The same thing happens with the other “getter generators”.

We are now ready for the final big change in our visualization library. The main problem left is that plotAll still only knows how to draw rectangles, and how to set some attributes of each rectangle. We want a plotAll function that works for any element and attribute. How would you solve it? Before you read on, take some time to think about this.

Iteration 7: generic plotAll for any SVG element, just like generic make in iteration 2 (source)

(Got it?) We could create a plotRects function, and a plotCircle function, and so on. That would work, but it would have the same problem that we saw with makeRect and makeSVG on our first iteration. Every time we wanted to create a new visualization, we’d have to create a new function. That’s not great.

The solution we will use is exactly the same as the one we did in iteration_2.js. Instead of passing parameters specific to rect, we will pass a value that says which element we want plotAll to create, and we will pass an object that contains all the getters that will be called to set specific attributes of the object.

The way plotAll works, then, is that it creates an intermediate object with the same keys as the keys of the attributeGetters parameter it was passed. But plotAll calls each getters with all elements of the array. The getters then configure the attributes, which are passed to the (generic!) make function.

As a result, plotAll now knows nothing about the dataset or specific attributes. The important thing it does, though, is that for each row in the data array, it creates one SVG element, and calls the same getters, consistently, for all elements in the array.

With this, we are ready to create quite different visualizations by just passing the right parameters to plotAll.

Iteration 8: Three different visualizations, each with 10 lines of code (source)

Our last code iteration is a first look into design iterations: we can generate quite different visualizations by just changing the elements we create, and what we map to each of the element attributes.

Note that in the space of 32 lines of code, we create 3 different visualizations. That is really good expressivity for a very simple function like plotAll, which is itself only 12 lines of code.

Welcome to d3

Now, we will start learning the basics of d3, the JavaScript library we will be using throughout the course to build visualizations. The reading materials for this section are Chapters 5 and 6 of Scott Murray’s book.

Caveat: d3 versions

Very recently, a new major version of d3 (v4) was released. Unfortunately, this version is not entirely backwards-compatible with the version which Scott Murray used to write the book (v3), and many of the examples online will still use the old API style. Fortunately, the changes are relatively minor, and are easy to keep track of. We’ll include a list of some of the biggest things at the bottom of these lecture notes.

Let’s get started

We will run a variety of small demos on a separate page that has no other content besides a simple dataset, a single div, and the correct version of d3 preloaded.

We will cover:


How to create an SVG element inside a div with id main_div using d3:"#main_div").append("svg");

Note the chained sequence of method calls. In d3, the majority of methods return an object with methods of its own. It’s very commmon to chain these sequences together, and you will get used to reading them somewhat like sentences (“select the main div then append an svg”).

Most of these objects are “selections”: they represent a set of elements in the DOM. You can store them in variables.

var div ="#main_div");
var svg1 = div.append("svg");
var svg2 = div.append("svg"); // creates a second svg inside #main_div
var rect = svg1.append("rect");

We can also set attributes of the elements:

svg.attr("height", 400).attr("width", 400);
rect.attr("height", 300)
    .attr("width", 300)
	.attr("x", 50)
	.attr("y", 50)
	.attr("fill", "red"); // note the chained method syntax

So far, so good. But remember that we ultimately want to manipulate many DOM elements, to associate them with attributes of the data that we are interested in visualizing. If we wanted to create many elements at once, we could make these calls inside for loops, and that would work. But d3 offers a much better way to structure our code, by allowing selections to operate on many DOM elements at once:

div.selectAll("svg").attr("height", 300).attr("width", 300)



Change blindness1 is a potentially serious problem for human vision. Since we will be building dynamic visualizations (that is, visualizations with elements which change over time), we will need to be careful in how we design these element changes. Fortunately, d3 offers a powerful, almost magical API for designing transitions.

The gist of it is, roughly, that anything you can do with a selection, you can also do in a transition, and d3 will smoothly change the values for you.

If you wanted to set all circle fill colors to be red, you’d write:

d3.selectAll("circle").attr("fill", "red")

But if you wanted their colors to slowly change to red, you’d instead write:

d3.selectAll("circle").transition().attr("fill", "red")

That’s it! The full API documentation has all the details, but the main things you will want to read on are the delay, duration, and easing methods.

v3 vs v4

The official documentation has a summary of changes.

Irene Ros has a very comprehensive presentation of the changes, although, at this point, this will be a bit of jumping off the deep end.

Biggest changes:


The namespaces are now flat:

// v3 API
var scale = d3.scale.linear(); // BAD!
# v4 API
var scale = d3.scaleLinear(); // better

The heuristic to try in case you can’t find a particular object is that if you have in v3, you should try d3.scaleFoo in v4. One notable exception is that the categorical colormaps now require explicit construction (v4 is less magic, but more work for us):

// v3 API
var colors = d3.scale.category10(); // BAD!
// v4 API
var colors = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10); // better


The axes API has changed. It’s better to just consult the new documentation.

  1. See Preattentiveness in visualization, “Change blindness”.