Week 5, D3 selections and joins

Today we are going to talk about two of the most important notions in D3: selections, and joins.

Method chaining

D3 uses a style of method chaining that might be unfamiliar to you. It works as follows: many methods in d3 (particularly the selection methods) themselves return new selections as their result. On this new selection, you can call a selection method, which might return a selection, on which you call selection methods… For example:

d3.select("body")     // returns a selection!
    .selectAll("div") // from which we select all divs, into a new selection!
    .data([1,2,3,4])  // which d3 associates with that array, 
                      // and returns a new selection
    .text(function(d) { return "value: " + String(d); })
                      // to which we add some text, and get a new selection...
    .style("font-weight", "bold");
                      // which we make all elements bold. 

This style has many advantages. When you get used to it, it is more readable (you scan the code like this: select, then set some data, then change the text, then set the style). But, in addition to making code easier to read, returning selections make code easier to write. If you structure your code around creating and d3 selections, then d3 helps you make small reusable pieces of code, as we will see.

D3 selections

You should go to the d3 API reference on selections for the full story. Here, we describe the most common methods and the general patterns.

The basic logic of d3 selection is that selections choose DOM elements, and selection methods operate on data. Take this basic example:

    .text(function(d) { return String(d); });

We will unpack the meaning of all of these methods in a bit. But for now, simply pay attention to the kinds of things referenced used in different methods. Methods that create selections almost always take parameters that have to do with the DOM (.select("body"), .selectAll("div")), while methods that manipulate the selection (.data(), .text()) almost always take parameters that have to do with the data1.

When the methods take a name and a value pair (like the attr and style methods), then the name field is always a string, and the value field is one of:

In addition to the usual interface, all the name-value pair functions also take objects to be iterated on pair-by-pair, exactly like the minimal library we developed in class.

For a selection object named selection, you have the following basic methods available:


To a beginner user of d3, the most confusing notion is possibly the one of joins, so let’s take some time to go over it carefully. D3 joins are the reason that your code has those mysterious enter() methods; we’ll see why they exist and why they make sense. Mike Bostock has written a specific tutorial about joins, but here’s an alternative explanation that might be helpful too.

As we have mentioned before, d3 is fundamentally about matching data to elements in your document (divs, circles, table rows, etc). If your document were already set up so that the array you pass to data() has as many values as there are elements in your selection, then you wouldn’t need to worry about enter().

But when you’re initializing your visualization, chances are you don’t actually have any DOM elements. So how does d3 do it? This is where joins come in.

Every time you have a selection and you call the data method, you’re going to have one of three cases:

d3 separates those cases in three distinct kinds of selections: the update selection, the enter selection, and the exit selection (for theater buffs, enter and exit are in analogy to stage speak). They refer to the data values: values about to “enter the stage” are associated with enter, and similarly for “exiting the stage”.

When you call data(), d3 returns the update selection: precisely the subset of values that it matched to a specific DOM element. The update selection has all the methods we’ve seen above, and an extra pair of methods: enter() and exit().

These two methods return, respectively, the enter and exit selections. This is why when you want to create new elements, the pattern in your code that calls d3 looks like this:

    .selectAll("div")   // empty selection!
    .data([1,2,3,4,5])  // empty *update* selection, but...
    .enter()            // nonempty *enter* selection!
    .append("div")      // append a div for every value in enter selection

Conversely, if you want to remove unneeded DOM elements from your visualization (because, for example, your dataset dynamically changed, and now there are only half as many values), you use the exit selection and remove

d3.selectAll("div")    // assume there were 20 elements
    .data([1,2,3,4,5]) // update selection with 5 elements
    .text(...)         // update text of DOM elements we want to keep
    .exit()            // get the 15 elements with no data
    .remove()          // and remove them from DOM


Now, looking back at our basic example, every part of it should make perfect sense:

d3.select("body")       // selects the body element
    .selectAll("div")   // selects every div inside it (none!)
    .data([1,2,3,4,5])  // creates (empty!) update selection with data,
    .enter()            // get the enter selection from the update selection
    .append("div")      // append div elements for all data, bind data to it
    .text(function(d) { return String(d); }); // set text

Data ordering, keys

Imagine, now, that you are building a dynamic visualization of movie data using IMDB’s dataset, and that the user issues movie queries based on actors.

For example query of “Sandra Bullock” would include some subset of movies, and a query of “George Clooney” would include an overlapping set of movies. Imagine that each value in this movie dataset looks like this:

  title: "Gravity",
  id: "tt1454468",
  year: 2013,
  gross: 274084951

As you switch the data from a Bullock view to a Clooney one, you know that Gravity will be part of both plots (so you want that data point to persist in your visualization). But you don’t know the order in which the elements to call in the data array come, so how can you make sure d3 matches Gravity in Sandra Bullock’s cast, to Gravity in Clooney’s? The answer is in d3’s optional key parameter to data. When you only pass an array of values to data, d3 assumes that the index in that array is the key; but if you pass an extra key accessor, then d3 uses that function to retrieve keys. In this example, you would say:

var imdbResult = [ 
    title: "Gravity",
    id: "tt1454468",
    year: 2013,
    gross: 274084951
  }, ... ];
selection.data(imdbResult, function(entry) { return entry.id; })

This way, when a new dataset comes in, you use the same key accessor on the same selection, and d3 knows to match DOM elements to values via the id key.

Nested selections

The final d3 technique we will see today is that of nested selections. Recall, from our discussion above, that selection methods usually operate on data: attr, style, text, etc. Up until now, we discussed data as a special method, which binds the passed array to the selection. The truth, though, is that data is almost like any other regular method of a d3 selection.

Unlike other selection methods, data() interprets arrays differently from other constant values. Instead of setting the appropriate property (attribute, style, etc) to each DOM element separately, d3 broadcasts this array to the matching selection elements.

On the other hand, data() accepts functions, exactly like other selection methods. In this case, the function is expected to return arrays of data values, just like you typically just pass data() an array of data values. Instead of these being constant, however, they can be computed based on the currently bound data. The end result is that nested selections happen automatically.

Take some time to read the code below. It’s a good example of d3’s incredibly elegant design:

var data = [[1,2,3],
    .data(data)      // give the 'tr' selection a nested array
    .enter()         // pick the enter selection
    .append("tr")    // append a 'tr' element for each element in the outer array
    .selectAll("td") // now select 'td' elements
    .data(function(r) { return r; }) // for each 'tr' element, return its row!
    .enter()                         // now do the same thing!
    .append("td")                    // for each row, append a 'td' element
    .text(function(d) { return String(d); });
                                      // and set its text

Notice how this completely replaces the need for explicit for loops, and in addition lets you use custom keys for any of the inner selections.

As we will see next, all of the selections work well with d3 transitions and scales: its pieces fit together very well. In other words, every time you update, insert or remove an element, you can use the same piece of code to do it in an animation. In addition, you will be able to control the way an animation looks by using many of the same d3 concepts.

  1. In fact, even .append() operates on data! But that’s rare enough that 99% of the time you just give it a constant string. It has special-case behavior when you do, creating fresh elements of the given node type instead of just using it. That’s why we only mention it in footnotes.