Same site, new look


November 20, 2022

It’s been a while! The birdsite ate blogging, and then the muskrat ate the birdsite. As insurance policy, I’m on mastodon. But I’m trying blogging again.

Also, I changed jobs. (I managed a good 6 months without writing the requisite academic quit-lit piece, but I make no future promises!) I’m now an engineer at Posit. We used to be called RStudio, and you might remember that name instead! We still build RStudio, and still build world-class open-source R libraries. But we’ve been making tools for other ecosystems for a long while, and the R-centric name got in the way a little bit.

I work full-time on quarto, which I’m really excited about. I think we might actually make a dent on technical and academic communication. More about it soon.

I’m not planning on turning comments back on. If you want to say hi, send me an email (start with the email address you see on the main page, but use Posit’s domain instead) or a note on Mastodon. Maybe we’ll do manual trackback links here like it’s 2001 or something!